Childhood Portrayed on this One
These are front and back shots of my latest decoration on one of the jugs that I posted about recently. The trees are mangroves. The design toward the bottom can be seen if you click on the picture for a larger image. Or you can just take my word for it.
Please click if you will, before I tell you what it is. I'm just curious if you'll see what I drew. I'm hoping the drawing will be subtle enough and strong enough at the same time to work, if that makes any sense.
I was going to finish the whole jug with mangroves, but I decided to listen to that small voice in my head saying to keep the space there, and then the idea for the drawing came to mind.
It draws upon my experience growing up as a child and young adult at my father's boy's camp in Tavernier, Florida: Fish Camp, a fishing, diving, skiing, sailing camp for boys 9-16 years of age.
I actually started a blog on Fish Camp, although I haven't added anything. I plan to share stories from the experience and hope to attract others in the world who experienced a most incredible time in my life.
The new blog:
Please let me know what you think of the jug. It's actually a scene from Tavernier Key, a small island one mile from the coast of the Florida Keys, where my father managed to establish living quarters for campers to live on the island while learning to fish, dive, sail and water ski among other things.
The stories are endless.
P.S. It's good to get back to my work after spending the past weeks working on stuff for the wood-fired kiln at the NC Pottery Center.