Bits and Pieces of My Day

It's hard to be me. I procrastinate, worry and create. My motto is why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. I'm moody.

So, when my wife asked me what's this on the checkout counter, I was stumped until I remembered that I was multi-tasking earlier in the day - watching customers while decorating a plate. I also multi-tasked while talking-while-decorating-a-plate to a young lady who was working on her Creative Writing thesis about Seagrove.
That's another story.
I left behind a little scattering of curly clay pieces on the checkout counter, an old Navigational charting table my father thought was used in the U.S. Navy. The little pieces went unnoticed by me, but my wife has better focus than I.
So, I scooped up the debris and tossed it out the door, but now I've left another behind.

...She beat me to it.

I've started another blog called Fish Camp Stories about my experience at my father's fishing, diving, training camp for boys aged 9 to 16. Two blogs at once? Well, I'm hoping for help from my fellow fish campers as far as posting on the blog.
So far, I've got two posts by other campers, one from Chad Roberts, and one from Al Cook. I've been sorting through hundreds, perhaps, thousands of slides. The year before it closed, I ran the camp with Chad. He was 19. I was 18.
Chad wrote "One night, the guy drilled a hole right through my finger," about Andy Massimino, a co-director of the camp who "doubled as Camp's outboard mechanic in residence."
Al wrote "tropical fish and hammerheads," a piece about catching fish on the reef for the Camp aquarium.
"'It's When you Stop Worrying about the Ocean that it'll Get you,'" is a story about running out of gas right "while on a collision course with a steaming freighter," written by Ben Katzenstein, another Fish Camper.
Here's a picture of Chad I found. The image is a slide of Chad inside a neat little slide converter I have hooked up to my digital camera.

Looking back at Chad

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