Greetings from Ireland!

Subzero temperatures (Centigrade) and a lovely inch-and-a-half of snow this morning greeted Mary and I as we lumbered down the stairs to turn the heat on and start a fire in the fireplace: 'cippins', coal and peat briquettes. A look out the window revealed birds digging in the whiteness for their morning grub, birds perched in a small tree and birds fluttering about, as a pair of dogs - a Jack Russell and a Golden Lab - fought playfully over some item picked up around the rather newly constructed village of homes where we are staying while in Ireland.

I'm at a loss. I'm not able to get my 'Step Up and Down Transformer' to convert Ireland's 220 volts to the necessary 110 volts to charge up my computer. We weren't able to tap into any nearby neighbor's wireless, nor could we get dial up to work in our house, either. And the television that Mary's brother Dan gave us isn't picking up any stations.

We have been left to our own devices.

Right now, I am writing on the computer (dial-up modem) at Mary's brother's place of business - Murroe Service Station. Mary's helping her sister, Noreen, take inventory: Wisker's Pooch Pedigree, Chunky Medium Veg, Don Mio's Garlic Veg....

We flew from Charlotte, NC to London Friday night. We left Sunday as the snow began pelting down. Sunday night after eating my Irish steak, peas and potatoes (spuds), the news on the telly stated that airports in London were closing and/or flights delayed.

I'd like to get this settling in over with and get on to working on my moulds for my large tree platters. I had a master mould made last year and it's waiting in an outbuilding over at Mike's (Mary's other brother). We might make it over there tonight.

I haven't had a Guinness yet.

Mary's Aunt, Sister Laboure, is in hospital. After bypass surgery a year ago or so, she got in a car wreck, broke her leg and hasn't done well since. Mary's father (80 years old)has trouble with his memory, and is a bit slow getting around, but he still likes to organize the silver (spoons, knives and forks) and Liam (Mary's other brother) said his father recently spent the afternoon cleaning the stalls for the cattle and did a job better than Liam, himself, could ever do. I think Mary's Da' forgot he has trouble getting around.

Enough for now.

Back to my own devices. Maybe I'll play the flute.

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