Sitting at PTI airport in Greensboro, NC, eating "cacao dusted dark chocolate goji berries" and waiting for our flight to Philidelphia where we'll hop aboard a plane to Shannon, Ireland.... I'm beginning to settle down. It's been a busy few weeks leading up to our annual trek to Ireland: 27 foot-soaking bowls, an eight-place tablesetting for a wedding, 30 soul pots specially made to commemorate the U.S. Open Golf Championship, two wood-fired vases specially ordered, several custom wood-fired lamp bases, a chocolate pot reproduction, a baptismal font, six southwestern-glazed bowls.... There's probably something else I can't remember. At any rate, it's been busy getting orders out, and then on top of everything, I've been in touch with my friendly ceramic supplier in Cork, Ireland,
DBI, sourcing kiln shelves and a slab roller.
What do Mary and I do the morning of the day we leave for Ireland? We do the Big Clean in my main workshop. Thanks to my daughter for helping me clean the other workshop.
When you hear from me next, I should be in Ireland.
The Big Clean at From the Ground Up, Seagrove, NC |