Setting in this Load a Bit Different

We have two stacks of shelves in this kiln load - one in the very back and one in the front - with big pots in between. I usually place pots glazed in an ash glaze in the back of the kiln as the glaze can mature at a lower temperature, and the back of the kiln is usually two or three cones lower than the front.

But I didn't have any pots glazed in my wood ash, so I chose to place shino-glazed pots in the back. And I set the back shelves away from the back wall more, hoping this will help the pots get hotter in the back. I also stacked a little looser on the shelves, both in the back and the front.

I was reading an Owen Rye article where he says a loosely packed kiln tends to produce an oxidized atmosphere. Well, that's not what I want, either, but we'll see. Levi wants to develop some early reduction (body reduction) thinking it may help with getting some more red on the shino pots.

Maybe, we'll seal up the kiln at the end with a big stoke to create a bit of reduction cooling, too. It will be interesting to see what weather we have tomorrow.

Anyways, here's some pictures of the setting in this kiln:

I placed the bricks on the floor to block
wood from reaching too far into the kiln
as I "end stoke" through the two outside
passive holes.

There's two smaller tall vases behind
the tall vases on left and right.

Kind of open at the top, but not as much as
the picture seems to show. I shot this picture
with my lense at wide angle.

Open at the bottom

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